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“Sarcastic and malicious even in his intercourse with children.”

order ivermectin over the counter Being a man of no diplomatic facility, I have a compensating fascination for slithery “statesmen”: and since I always love extremes, it makes sense that I should be drawn to the most reptilian of them all, Charles Maurice Talleyrand.  Most curious to me is the fact that the one interruption to his long career of public importance in France was a visit – after being proscribed by Robespierre – to America, with lengthy stays in New York City and, of all places, Brooklyn.  “Stone’s History” – presumably some “deathless” work of historiography from the early 19th century – describes a glimpse of him in New York:

buy gabapentin 300mg I had the pleasure of meeting Thomas Jefferson in an old two-storey house on Cedar Street, and there was Talleyrand, whom I used to meet at the houses of General Hamilton and Noah Webster, with his club-foot and passionless, immovable countenance, sarcastic and malicious even in his intercourse with children.

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