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can i buy modafinil in uk I’ve heard people say that they have trouble getting full-sized carrots, but I’ll say I’ve never had that problem.  I grow mine in raised beds, and I make every effort not to step in the beds and compact the soil.  My soil is high in nitrogen, which may help.  The variety grown may make a difference as well.  The large ones I get are the variety “imperator.”  Nine-inch carrots that are two inches thick are not unusual.  The hardest part is getting them started from seed.  My experience so far is that their flavor, however, decays a bit when you let them get too big – it’s as if the flavor just gets more spread out over the carrot.  The smell, however, is really divine and can be savored like a perfume.  And they can be stored in the ground until you need them – just go into the garden and pull one up.

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