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Monthly Archives: December 2012

America, Obama, and D.W. Griffiths.

15-Dec-12 Driving back from campaigning in Ohio, I passed by an intriguing sign. It said, “America or Obama: You Can’t Have Both.” Now it seemed to me we have had both for four years now; and that America was about the same it was when he took office. Having both had proven easy enough, in fact. […]


13-Dec-12 After writing about winter closing in, the weather made a sharp turn, became warm, melted all the snow, and late-fall conditions have resumed.  This is a very pleasant time, especially with the hunters mostly gone: the views are excellent, the ground is highly visible, and it is cold enough to make hard manual labor (for […]

Winter in the Cabin.


For the past week it has been consistently cold and wintry here in the cabin.  There is snow on the ground, and I have to walk in from the road; my dirt driveway is now closed off.  Snowshoes are not required yet, but snow that has fallen is starting to pile up.  I spend some […]