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Tag Archives: Voltaire

The Allusions in the Brothers Karamazov.

28-Mar-10 Let me start with the end of the first chapter of The Brothers Karamazov: Finally she fled the house and ran away from Fyodor Pavlovich with a destitute seminarian, leaving the three-year-old Mitya in his father’s hands.  Fyodor Pavlovich immediately set up a regular harem in his house and gave himself to the most unbridled […]

A Not Bad City of All Possible Cities.

28-Nov-09 Waiting in the New York Public Library to meet a friend, who was late, my eyes had leisure to see things they had not seen before; and they chanced upon a tiny little room overdone in purple marble just off the foyer, a sort of bibliophanic sacristy, with a few glass cases containing what appeared […]