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Tag Archives: taxes

Trillion-dollar coins, Monetary Policy, Andrew Jackson, Tertullian, and an Actual Solution to this Mess.

15-Jan-13 I found myself laughing at the trillion-dollar coin idea today – someone had told me about it, and like any sane person I dismissed it as some kind of odd viral silliness – but I read up on it in the Atlantic and had a good chuckle or two.  Credo quia absurdum.  Basically this is […]

Trying to Keep a Straight Face.

24-Jan-12 Some classic Greenwald cynicism: UPDATE: White House spokesman Jay Carney previewed President Obama’s State of the Union speech tonight as follows: “The State of the Union will be . . .  about the central mission that we have as a country and his focus as president: Building a country and an economy where we reward […]



I think it must be true that we do not have a democracy if we are unable to (legally) discomfort a small minority (let’s call them the 1%) by means of an incredibly popular and fiscally and morally wise law. It was a key Democratic demand but party leaders abandoned a surtax on millionaires to […]

88% of the Wealth, 86% of the Taxes.


This is painfully obvious, but I see and hear the Republican talking points in many places in our society about how high a percentage of the taxes the rich have to pay.  The car mechanic in my town has a sign about how unfair it is that the top 20% pay more than 80% of […]