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The Bearded Lady of the Lower Ninth Ward.

can you buy isotretinoin in mexico My friend Tom and I, after a few beers at a local saloon, went on down to the Mississippi to get a look. As we stood there, the cool air off the river blowing the hair back from our faces, a little man – he was so little I thought he might be a dwarf – with a beard asked me how I liked the French Quarter.

Zhoucheng “I love it,” I said. “Like pretty much everyone else.”

“Yeah,” he said, in a strange, high-pitched voice. “Well, if you want to see where things are really at, like the really cool neighborhood, you have to come to the Lower Ninth Ward. That’s where I live.”

I wasn’t sure if this person was being facetious or not. The Lower Ninth Ward was interesting as a kind of symbol of Hurricane Katrina devastation and the problems of how to redevelop the city, but I had no doubt it was not “where it’s at.” But I decided to let this person be; he was just a harmless booster.

After we were a safe distance away, Tom said, “I bet you don’t see that every day in the Catskills.”


“That bearded lady over there.”

“What do you mean?”

He laughed. “John! That was a bearded lady!”

I thought Tom was being facetious. “I thought that was a guy, like a midget or something.”

“Didn’t you notice the voice?”

“His voice was very high, that’s true.”

“She’s a bearded lady! I’ve seen her around before. I think she works in like freak shows and things around town.”

I had no doubt that he thought she/he was a bearded lady, and who knows: I had to admit that in New Orleans, it was possible.

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