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Monthly Archives: April 2009

A.J. Liebling and the Gret Stet.


Luduş In writing there are only two things, matter and treatment.  In Abbott Joseph Liebling’s The Earl of Louisiana we have matter so interesting that it still holds the attention fifty years later in itself, and treatment so virtuosic one is tempted to proclaim Liebling a literary figure rather than a journalist. As far as matter […]

One country.

06-Apr-09 Just back from five days in Wyoming.  It was completely shocking.  It snowed the whole time (the old Wyoming joke is “If summer falls on a weekend this year, we’ll go to the park and have a picnic”).  I was building snowmen just a few days after hanging out with alligators and sleeping with the […]

Rock, snow, cedars.


Red Canyon, near Lander, Wyoming.