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Monthly Archives: July 2009

Detroit Safari.


impromptu One of the yearly events at the Hillbilly Underground is a trip through the ruins of Detroit, which astonished me, though I am a student of ruins and desolation.  Detroit is the most intense urban desolation I have ever seen, anywhere.  I will provide more links to this, as I digest it, but more or […]

Subway Kerfuffle.


Piešťany Now that the Gothamist traffic has moved on through, for those unfamiliar with the whole story, let me offer the links to sum up the funny little kerfuffle that blew through here a few weeks ago. The Gothamist story: Other links to the story:

Especially in Michigan.


Rusticatione facta, I’m headed off to Michigan to be a part of an artists’ colony called The Hillbilly Underground.  Hopefully I will do some writing, though it’d be a lie to say I wanted to do much other than socialize.

I wonder…


On the way down to Maryland, the odometer on my truck froze at 173 thousand and between 399 and 400 miles.  It stayed that way for at least fifty miles or so, before resuming motion today.  Makes me wonder how many miles the truck really has on it.

At Antietam.


“When I think of the battle of Antietam, it seems so strange.  Who permits it?  To see or feel that a power is in existence that can and will hurl masses of men against each other in deadly conflict – slaying each other by the thousands, mangling and deforming their fellow men – is almost […]



For the next week I’ll be serving in an instructional role at the Rusticatio Virginiana.  A group named SALVI – the North American Living Latin Institute – rents a 19th c. plantation in West Virginia and fills it with people who for a week speak nothing but Latin – taking classes, cooking our meals, playing […]

Sunrise over Antietam.


After a night on the battlefield just outside of Sharpsburg, Maryland.

What a great way to start a two-thousand mile road trip.


Packing up the truck this morning to head to Virginia, I came out to find the rear tire outrageously flat, which it was not the night before.  My first flat – I’ve never even had one on a bicycle before.  Of course, changing it ended up being difficult, because the metal frame holding the spare […]

Male Spirituality.


Some people have asked me what the “male spirituality” category on the website refers to. Putting a gender on spirituality seems at best unnecessary, and maybe silly or exclusionary. Nor have I written a great deal on this topic, as I have less than a year’s worth of experience with it, and with all things […]

Like a new Mr. Safire…


A blog on words and terms of art, which has been excellent so far. Find out what a “Labyrinth of Jerusalem” is.