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Monthly Archives: September 2009

Not a Bad Idea.


buy Lurasidone uk Saw this bumper sticker in Woodstock.  An internet search by my inept self revealed no information about who is running this particular dead man’s campaign.  With the exception of his untimely 1987 death, this is not a terrible idea.

All’s Well That Ends Well.


All’s Well That Ends Well is one of Shakespeare’s “problem plays,” those plays whose resolution is most unsatisfactory; the poet’s justice seeming to us injustice. The Count Roussillon, whose father died when he was a minor, became a ward of the French king, who thereupon had the power to bestow him in marriage; and the […]

A Little Shakespeare…


… from All’s Well That Ends Well. He always astonishes me.  On superficial knowledge: They say miracles are past, and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it, that we make trifles of terrors, ensconscing ourselves into seeming knowledge, when we should submit ourselves to an […]

The tail end of summer.


From Giant Ledge in the Catskills.

So good.


This weather!  Can anyone maintain a blog in this weather?  It’s been picture-perfect for five days now, and five more days I hear are on the way.  Marvellous.  70s during the day, 40s at night, all sunshine.  Marvellous.