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The Vigil Readings.

order Lyrica online I was mildly disappointed by the readings that got left out during the Easter Vigil this year – notably the sacrifice of Isaac and Ezekiel in the Valley of the Dry Bones.  Those are great readings!  I suppose the sacrifice of Isaac is not PC, but that’s no reason to leave it out.  From an artistic perspective, it is the single most amazing bit of narrative in the whole Bible – charged with menace and unbearably pressurized.  Auerbach made it the focus of his comparison of Homer and the Bible, and indeed, though of a similar antiquity as Homer, it is so utterly and profoundly different you can hardly stop wondering at it. I see wikipedia has a piece on the Easter Vigil, with the original readings – which are fantastic.  And the picture they use is of the school where I used to teach!

In general, Catholics get so little Bible, cutting readings is really not acceptable.  Cut the sermon if you need to save time.

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