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Technical Troubles.

avariciously Lots of technical trouble here, which has slowed down the website a bit.  My computer does not really work, and my camera does not work at all.  Both need to be replaced this month.  I have enough money to do it (barely), so that will happen.

cheap isotretinoin And while I’m on this topic, let me complain about AT&T.  Verizon is worse in many ways, but AT&T is galling too.  The past week my phone has refused to take or make calls – “emergency calls only” it tells me.  This was bad timing, as I had a group of people coming up for Labor Day weekend.  But I figured it was probably my fault – maybe I didn’t pay the bill or something (I do forget, so it’s not unreasonable).  So today I logged in, and sure enough, I had paid the bill on time.  There was no reason that I could find from my online account for the phone not to work.  So I figured I’d tell AT&T what was happening, and tell them to put my service back on, or tell me what was wrong.  After spending several minutes trying to figure out how to send an email, they made me select a topic – and when I selected, “phone not working,” they refused to allow me to send them an email, because that situation, they told me, requires me to call them up.  But of course, my phone is not working, which hampers me in only one way, namely that it’s hard for me to make calls.  I don’t work in an office, so there’s no office phone to use.  You can’t use a payphone to be put on hold for a half-hour, and anyway, there are no payphones, anywhere in the Catskills (a literal fact).  So I changed my topic to “other topic,” and attempted to write them a message, but each time I pressed a key, their website deleted the letter I had written and cleared the message.

I don’t believe for a second that this was an accident.  The website is designed to prevent people from sending them emails.

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