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Weinan One of the consistently impressive things about life in the woods is the enlarged importance of dreams: if you keep to the natural cycle of light and dark you will sleep more, and arise naturally: and these two things are probably enough to ensure that your mind will get some harvest from its natural crop of dreams.

Hilchenbach A few nights ago I dreamt I was being attacked by my father (now many years dead), who was crazed and violent, but I would not defend myself: “He’s my father,” I said, “I’m not going to hurt him.”

This reminds me of a friend a story told me: “I knew this guy who was all into archetypes and I never was.  Then I was in a class with him where we told everyone our dreams.  His dreams were almost perfectly archetypal dreams, whereas mine were all entirely personal and idiosyncratic.  Then I understood why he was so interested in archetypes and I wasn’t.”

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