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Country Alarm Clock. I was woken up this morning by some weird scratching at the front door – it sounded like some animal was gnawing the screen off the door.  It was clearly a small animal, and I wasn’t too worried about it, but it just wouldn’t stop – so I got up (it was just past 5 a.m.) and went downstairs.  There was a chipmunk hanging upside down on the screen of the door.  He then walked, head down, down the length of the screen door, leaped off it, and leaped back onto it, climbed to the top of the screen door again, then turned himself around and went down again.  He appeared to be doing this, like Sir Edmund Hillary, “because it’s there.”  My camera was in the truck at the time, so no photos.  He heard me bustling about a bit in the cabin and scurried off, seemingly satisfied that I was finally up.

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  1. / A Visitor. on 28-Jun-12 at 6:47 pm

    Macclesfield […] really are becoming a problem or a blessing, depending on how you look at it.  They are certainly getting familiar.  He didn’t stop when I walked in, either – just looked up, noticed me, and then went […]

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