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Ibn Ishaq, Herodotus of Early Arabia.

mail order prednisone On the Wizard-of-Oz-like Chosroes, king of Persia:

buy isotretinoin 40 mg online Now Chosroes used to sit in his audience chamber which contained his crown.  According to reports his crown was like a huge grain-measure with rubies, pearls, and topazes set in gold and silver, suspended by a golden chain from the top of the dome in his hall of audience.  Such was the weight of the crown that his neck could not bear it.  He was hidden behind a robe until he sat on his throne; then his head was inserted into the crown, and when he was settled comfortably under it the robes were taken from him.  Everyone who saw him for the first time fell to his knees in awe. (30)

“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.”

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