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The Devil Is In The Details.

Morón de la Frontera
“Opinions,” said T.E. Lawrence in one of his more clear-sighted, depressive moods, “are arguable, but convictions need shooting to be cured.”  Reason is not one of the more obvious human capacities, and as we know well, a certain amount of unreason lends tenor and piquancy to belief.  But as a plantsman I found the screenshot of this video quite amusing: a man uses botany to debunk the Book of Mormon, noting that it contains references to Old World plants but not native ones.  The text’s plant vocabulary is “wheat, barley, corn [an ambiguous word, as in British English it means all grains], flax, grapes, olives, mustard trees, etc.,” none of which are part of the North American flora in similar ways, while distinctively North American plants are omitted.  The same with fauna, where elephants, donkeys, cows, goats, and the like are mentioned, but not llamas or bison.  The Book of Mormon is an obvious imposture, but this is just a pleasant reminder.

buy Lyrica europe The video is a bit snarky and long.

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