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Tag Archives: Andrew Sullivan

Into the Cave.


ruefully A friend alerted me to the following Sullivan post, which I highly recommend reading in full: One of the lessons of the spiritual life which can be put in brief form, is this: If you think of evil as something that someone else is or does, you don’t understand it and you don’t understand […]

Reading Sullivan once more.


Asamankese Is it not wonderful to have Andrew Sullivan back?  He tried to let his understudies fill his shoes, to which my reaction was to visit now and again, be amazed that they do not measure up, and generally stay away.  Now that he’s back it makes all the difference in the world.  What a remarkable […]

Playing Dodgeball for Real.


God, these videos from Iran are just astonishing. And if you haven’t been reading Andrew Sullivan’s coverage of the Revolution in Iran, you really need to start.

Contemplating the weeds.


A not-bad spiritual discussion between Andrew Sullivan and Bob Wright:

Andrew Sullivan and abortion.


The murder of Dr. Tiller has produced a fresh investigation of abortion.  Andrew Sullivan has posted numerous personal stories about abortions.  They are all worth reading and pondering. It’s hard not to feel something like the Obama position: abortion is a moral issue, a deeply moral issue, like the way you use your body sexually, […]

Institutions and the Living Individual.


If you want to know why Andrew Sullivan has such a huge readership, look no further than this lovely bit of confession that surfaced on his blog yesterday: Despite being a generation older than most of his readers, he expresses precisely the feeling so many of us share, of being a living soul in […]

Some sense on marriage.


I’ve finally seen some internet writing on gay marriage that makes sense – a reader writing in to Andrew Sullivan, who makes a nice, tempered, intelligent reply.  The problem with the gay marriage campaign has been that marriage is not a right, but, as the above reader describes it, “a social institution.”  It is a […]