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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Obama’s “Passion.”


Shiroi A very nicely written attack on Obama from the New York Times op-ed page, succinctly summarizing why we need FDR and not Obama in the presidency right now.  I agree with this, but I consider it a sign of obtuseness to have believed Obama was a new FDR in the first place: he was, for […]

FDR – the greatest American President.

15-Aug-11 Just a few months ago I stopped off at FDR’s “Little White House,” the modest country cabin in Georgia where he took his vacations and where he died.  Its simplicity – it is one storey, and only a few rooms, perhaps fifteen hundred square feet – mocks our modern mores, and shows more starkly the […]

Res Publica versus Res Privatae.


The Roman word for their government was the Res Publica, the public property.  At every stage of the decline of the Republic the conflict can be interpreted as a desire on the part of the most powerful to privatize what was public, and to convert it into res privatae, private possessions, and so it happened […]

Alexander McQueen and the Met.


I had an interesting visit to the Met last Saturday.  Hoping to take advantage of the 9 p.m. closing, I went with a friend around 8 – a bit late, admittedly, because we had lingered a bit on our way – only to find the line out the Great Hall and down almost all the […]

Our Lady of Loreto in Brooklyn.


Having some friends in the Prospect Heights area of Brooklyn, I have driven Atlantic Avenue fairly often, the road which connects that part of Brooklyn with Richmond Hill in Queens.  One day there was some work being done on the road, and I was detoured onto the streets of East New York, where I drove […]



Peaking right now.

Growing Caterpillars.


Two years ago I gathered seeds from a butterfly-weed, Asclepias tuberosa, a plant in the milkweed genus, though generally not called a milkweed because it lacks white sap.  I have found the seedlings slow growing – this is their second year and they still have not flowered – but today I found the harvest was […]