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Tag Archives: Bears

Further Thoughts on Grizzly Man.

27-Aug-11 I have written before that the movie Grizzly Man did not disturb me too much – I felt that the death of Timothy Treadwell – who was eaten by a grizzly bear after spending more than ten summers living in close quarters with them – was appropriate: we all must die, and this was a […]

Digging with Bears.


gainfully A friend gave me some offsets from her bottlebrush buckeye plant, but not knowing quite where to put it – they get very large – I stashed the plants in my vegetable garden, which had not been planted.  The time has come to plant vegetables, so I chose some spots for the buckeyes and transplanted […]

Bear Gardening.


We were landscaping this week in Silver Hollow – a beautiful part of the Catskills, one I’ve known for awhile.  Today as I was finishing up – my colleague had just pulled out – I heard some weird chattering in the woods, almost like laughter, and the breaking of a large branch, which then came […]



From the Phoenicia Times: A Sullivan County man shot and killed a large adult black bear that was menacing his daughter at her home Sunday, the state DEC has reported. The woman was inside with her four children when the bear attempted to break into a bedroom window of the home and swatted at their […]



There were a pair of unusual tracks across my front lawn when I inspected the property on Wednesday.  Two large animals walked right past my front door, not twenty feet from the cabin.  The tracks were several days old and I found no sharp details – no pads, no clawmarks, nothing truly indicative.  The impressions […]



Found bear scat right in front of my house, about forty feet from the front door.  That’s unusual.  Never saw the bear himself, but he must have come by. [If this is my last post, you know why.]

One man’s trash is another animal’s treasure.


Last week I had a visit from a handyman who is going to help me install running water at the cabin.  When in the cabin, he was surprised to find that I slept between two screen doors, the thicker winter doors being left open at night for air circulation.  He pushed open the screen door […]

Nature Days.


Summer life has begun in earnest here, and the predominant sense is of being surrounded by life.  One afternoon two turkeys, leading nearly twenty chicks, drifted past my cabin, swarming around obstacles like the shed or the woodpiles like ants, the whole time clucking and cooing in the strangest of ways.  Yesterday as I tended […]