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Tag Archives: mice

The Crazy Ingenuity of Mice.


Concepción del Uruguay I had not had any problems with mice in the cabin – a few times mice got in, but they left quickly, for whatever reason – but this winter I was absent most of the time and had left food behind me.  I found the telltale droppings on the counter – it’s always the counter, […]

The Mice Move In.


buy prednisone 5mg online It’s the season when mice decide their old homes are not quite as warm as they thought they would be, and look for new ones.  After driving down to the store and back, I was dismayed to discern a strong burning smell coming from my truck’s engine; so I popped the hood.  I found a […]

Nature Days.


Summer life has begun in earnest here, and the predominant sense is of being surrounded by life.  One afternoon two turkeys, leading nearly twenty chicks, drifted past my cabin, swarming around obstacles like the shed or the woodpiles like ants, the whole time clucking and cooing in the strangest of ways.  Yesterday as I tended […]