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Tag Archives: Catskills

The tail end of summer.

09-Sep-09 From Giant Ledge in the Catskills.

Rhododendrons in Bloom.


Libertad The mountain laurel is on the way out, and the rosebays, Rhododendron Maximum, are now starting to bloom.  It’s amazing how late they are here – they will be blooming through most of July.  This is not a heavy-bloom year for them – almost all the plants I saw had far more seedpods than blooms.  […]

From Overlook Mountain.


I climbed Overlook Mountain, which overlooks Woodstock, just before heading down to the city.  This is the view towards the northwest, from the fire tower.

One man’s trash is another animal’s treasure.


Last week I had a visit from a handyman who is going to help me install running water at the cabin.  When in the cabin, he was surprised to find that I slept between two screen doors, the thicker winter doors being left open at night for air circulation.  He pushed open the screen door […]

Table Mountain, from Wildcat Mountain.


Table Mountain, in the Catskills, mid-May.

Remembering what I left behind…


Snow on Wildcat Mountain, fall 2008.